Online test /39 Placement test. 1 / 39 17.They _____ at home yesterday was were are 2 / 39 33.The _____ have seen it before childs children child 3 / 39 15.Have you got a pen? Yes, I _____ am got have 4 / 39 36.Have you _____ been on a winter sports holiday? soon ever always 5 / 39 7.We _____ live in a flat. doesn’t hasn’t don’t 6 / 39 11.We don’t have _____ butter a any got 7 / 39 14.Those shoes are very _____ cost a lot expensive 8 / 39 32.He has _____ breakfast. ate eaten eat 9 / 39 6._____ you like this DVD? Do Have Are 10 / 39 28.Their car is _____ biggest on the road the this than 11 / 39 21Do you like the red _____ ? it that one 12 / 39 24.She’s got _____ hair dark,long long and dark dark, long 13 / 39 39._____ old is their car? How What When 14 / 39 38.They _____ pay for the tickets don't have haven't to don't have to 15 / 39 29.It’s the _____ interesting of his films most more much 16 / 39 22.He _____ to Brazil on business went goes go 17 / 39 16.It is a busy, _____ city traffic noisy quite 18 / 39 8.Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, _____ Tuesday Saturdey Monday 19 / 39 34.I’ve never met an actor _____ already before after 20 / 39 3._____ are you from? What Where Who 21 / 39 12._____ some money here there's there there're 22 / 39 20.The restaurant was _____ busy a lot many very 23 / 39 4.What do you do? I’m _____ student. The The a 24 / 39 26.I _____ in an armchair at the moment 'm sitting sit sitting 25 / 39 37.I can’t _____ another language to speak speak speaking 26 / 39 31.Do you _____ classical or rock music? prefer more rather 27 / 39 23.Yesterday was the _____ of April three day three third 28 / 39 9._____ he play tennis? Does Do Where 29 / 39 30.The phone’s ringing: _____ answer it will I'll I 30 / 39 19.He didn’t _____ glasses wear take put 31 / 39 35._____ is very good exercise swimming To swim Swim 32 / 39 5.Peter _____ at seven o’clock. goes up gets up gets 33 / 39 ___ name is Robert I Me My 34 / 39 13.We _____ got a garage don’t hasn’t haven’t 35 / 39 27.My brother is older _____ me then that than 36 / 39 25.I _____ play football at the weekend usually use usual 37 / 39 18.I _____ there for a long time lived live living 38 / 39 2.They _____ from Spain. are is do 39 / 39 10.Have you _____ a car? got have any Your score isThe average score is 37% 0% Restart quiz ok test 1 минут 40 секунд Matematika fanidan test sinovi Ushbu testda siz jami 30 ta savoldan iborat bo'lgan savollarni yechasiz. Sizga jami 30 minut vaqt beriladi. Hurmatli ishtirokchi, iltimos maydonlarni to'ldiring. Siz testda ishtirok etishingiz uchun oldin maydondi to'ldirishingiz zarur. Matematika fanidan test sinovi8 1 / 8 37.I can’t _____ another language speaking speak to speak 2 / 8 38.They _____ pay for the tickets haven't to don't have don't have to 3 / 8 39._____ old is their car? What When How 4 / 8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 5 / 8 Do‘kon 3 kunda jami 175 kg kartoshka sotdi. Agar ikkinchi kun uchinchi kunga nisbatan 1,5 marta ko‘p,birinchi kun esa ikkinchi kunga nisbatan 2,4 marta kam kartoshka sotgan bo‘lsa, do‘kon birinchi kunnecha kilogramm kartoshka sotgan? 35 44 56 62 6 / 8 32.He has _____ breakfast. ate eaten eat 7 / 8 33.The _____ have seen it before childs child children 8 / 8 34.I’ve never met an actor _____ before already after Your score isThe average score is 28% 0% Restart quiz ok Test nomi: Matematikadan test sinoviAbituriyent ismi: Abituriyent familiyasi: Savollar soni: 10Sizning IP manzilingiz: Ajratilgan vaqt: 10 минут Test nomi: Matematikadan test sinoviAbituriyent ismi: Abituriyent familiyasi: Savollar soni: 10 Matematikadan test sinovi Test topshiriqlarini yechishdan avval savollar kitobini varaqlab, unda har bir fan bo‘yicha 30 (majburiy fanlarda 10) ta savol mavjudligini tekshiring.Agar savollar soni kamligi aniqlansa yoki savollar kitobi raqami bilan javoblar varag‘i raqami bir xil bo‘lmasa, darhol auditoriya rahbariga ma’lum qiling.Savollar kitobida abituriyentning familiyasi, ismi, otasining ismi xato to‘ldirilgan yoki to‘ldirilmagan va imzosi qo‘yilmagan hollarda e’tirozlar ko‘rib chiqilmaydi. ABITURIYENT DIQQATIGA!Testda ishtirok etish uchun quyidagi formani to'ldiring 1 / 10 Imloviy xato yozilgan so’zni toping? A) Xilma-xil gullar bog’ni bezab turar edi. B) Adibning tarjimayi xoli juda uzun ekan. C) Qobiliyatli o’quvchilarni doim asrash kerak. D) Favqulodda joriy etilgan qoida edi. 2 / 10 Qator undoshli so’zni toping? A) Pand- nasihat B) Paxta C) Xatti- harakat D) Ingramoq 3 / 10 Quyidagilardan xalqlarning udum ananalarini o’rganish bilan shug’ullanadigan fan sohasini aniqlang? A) Epigrafiya B) Numizmatika C) Arxeologiya D) Etnografiya 4 / 10 Sharqiy turk xoqonligining markazi bo’lgan shaharni aniqlang? A) Oloy B) Oltoy C) Yangikent D) O‘tukan 5 / 10 Rasmda funksiya grafigi va unga nuqtadan o‘tkazilgan urinmasi tasvirlangan. Agar bo‘lsa, ni toping.Rasmda funksiya grafigi va unga nuqtadan o‘tkazilgan urinmasi tasvirlangan. Agar bo‘lsa, ni toping. A) 1/96 B) 1/32 C) 5/48 D) 1/24 6 / 10 A) ln3 B) 3/2 ln3 C) ln9 D) 2 7 / 10 Fermer daryo bo‘yida to‘g‘ri to‘rtburchak shaklidagi maydonni panjara bilan o‘rab olmoqchi (rasmdagi kabi). uzunlikdagi panjara bilan qanday o‘lchamdagi eng katta yuzli maydonni o‘rab olish mumkin? A) 1250 m^2 B) 1000 m^2 C) 800 m^2 D) 600 m^2 8 / 10 Rasmda qirrasi 6 ga teng kub tasvirlangan. bo’yalgan uchburchakning yuzini toping. 18√2 B) 18 C) 9√2 D) 6√2 9 / 10 O‘nto‘rtburchakli prizmaga ko‘pi bilan nechta diagonal kesim o‘tkazish mumkin? A) 98 B) 154 C) 140 D) 77 10 / 10 A) 1 B) 4 C) 3 D) 2 Your score isThe average score is 37% 0% Testdan qayta o'tish